Guidelines for authors – Annual of St. Kliment Ohridski University






The Annual of the Department of Slavic Studies publishes original papers (academic articles and book reviews) on various aspects of the Slavic and Balkan languages and literatures. The papers may be written in every Slavic language, English, French, or German.

The periodical does not accept papers that have been published or submitted for publication in another edition. The corresponding author declares that.

The copyright belongs to the Faculty of the Slavic Philologies.

The papers submitted for publication are object of double blind peer reviews. The final decision for publication, publication with revision, or rejection of a paper is taken by the editorial board of the annual. The editorial board may suggest corrections.

We recommend that the papers do not exceed 50 computer pages (1800 characters per page). In exceptional cases we accept papers up to 100 pages. Book and conference reviews should not exceed six standard pages.

The authors are obliged to follow the ethical code, rules, and norms of the University of Sofia.

Only the authors of the published materials are responsible for their content and for the positions expressed in them.




The file must be in the MS Word (doc, docx)

All fonts must be embedded in the document. For Old Greek and Greek we recommend Palatino Lynotype or Times New Roman. For Old Cyrillic Unicode fonts are preferable, such as Bukyvede (it could be downloaded from ) and the like.

The first page of the manuscript must contain: the title of the paper; the name(s) of the author(s); affiliation of the author(s); abstract in the original language of the paper, not exceeding 200 words; keywords in the original language of the paper, maximum of 5: they should not repeat words in the title of the paper. All this information should be given in the original language of the paper, in English and Bulgarian. The contact details (email address) of the author must be provided in the first footnote.


The notes to the text of the article should be footnotes, and the literature cited should be listed at the end of the article under the title “Literature Cited”/ “Цитирана литература” and the like. In-text citations should be in round brackets and should consist of the author’s surname, the year of publication and the page(s) cited, e.g. (Draganova 1968: 195), or (Johnson, Banev, Ilieva 2001: 139), or (Peev et al. 2017: 15–16). The references should be given in alphabetical order according to the surnames of authors (the lists of Cyrillic and Latin names should be given separately) and should include the year of publication of the work. Works by the same author should be listed in chronological order. The full bibliographic references should be formatted as follows:



Асенова, Красимира 2019. Развитие на мореполаването. 2. изд. (1. изд. 1896). София:

Херон Прес.

Matejić, Mateja, Dimitrije Bogdanović 1989. Slavic Codices of the Great Lavra Monastery: A Description. Sofia: CIBAL (Balkanica II. Inventaires et Catalogues, 8).

Петрова, Анелия 2003. Ръкопис 1064 в Националната библиотека „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“. София, Мадрид: Херон Прес (Библиотека палеославика 15).

Христова, Боряна, Даринка Караджова и Анастасия Мишайкова 1982. Каталог на българските

ръкописи, пазени в България. София: Народна библиотека „Кирил и Методий“.


Paper in an edited volume or encyclopedia

Иванова, Стоянка 2009. Поглед към миналото. – В: Бояна Радева и Деяна Димова (съст.) Очерци

за Родопите. София, Любляна, Москва: Херон Прес, 30–50.

Falierou, Anastasia 2017. European Fashion, Consumption Patterns, and Intercommunal Relations in the 19th-Century Ottoman Istanbul. – In: Constanţa Vintilă-Ghiţulescu (ed.). Women, Consumption, and the Circulation of Ideas in South-Eastern Europe, 17th–19th Centuries. Leiden: Brill, 150–168. (Balkan Library Studies 20).


If a book has more than three authors or editors:

Христова-Шомова, Искра, Венета Савова, Петко Петков, Анета Димитрова. Песни за Климент.

София: СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“ (Библиотека „Охридски извори“ 1).

Иванова, Климентина, Елисавета Мусакова, свещ. Козма Поповски, Петко Петков, Андрей

Бояджиев, Андрей Бобев, Любка Ненова, Маргарет Димитрова 2017. Каталог на кирилските ръкописи в Зографската света обител. Под общата и научна редакция на Климентина Иванова. Зографски манастир, Света гора, Атон.


Paper in a periodical

Иванова, Цвета 2005. Етимологични бележки. – Новое в лингвистике XXI, 40–93.

Комитска, Анита 2007. Традиционни женски носии на торлаците от Северозападна България (XIX – началото на ХХ век). – Българска етнология XXXIII, бр. 1, 90–104.


Online publications

The same method of citation plus the URL and the date of access: [прегледан 5.10.2019], [accessed October, 5, 2019].


Editions of texts that survive in manuscripts

Паисий Хилендарски 2016. История славянобългарска. Критическо издание. Превод на съвременен български книжовен език Димитър Пеев. Издание на текста с разночетения: Димитър Пеев, Маргарет Димитрова, Петко Петков. Коментар: Димитър Пеев и Асен Николов. Научен редактор: Иван Добрев, Църковно-богословска редакция: иерод. Атанасий. 5. изд. (1. изд. 2012). Зографски манастир, Света гора Атонска.



The bibliography in Cyrillic should be quoted both in its original alphabet plus transliteration with Roman letters.

For transliterating Bulgarian sources you can use:

For transliteration of Russian sources you can use:



All illustrations should be provided in jpg or tiff format with no less than 300 ppi resolution. The images should not exceed format А4 and should allow for formatting with Corel (7, 8), Adobe Dlustrator (5, 7, 8), Adobe PhotoShop (4, 5). In the case of any copyright graphics and illustrations (photographs, drawings, maps, tables, graphs, etc.), the source of the material must be provided; the form of the acknowledgement must be agreed with the owner of the material. Furthermore, the copyright holder and the type of reproduction license must also be acknowledged.


The Annual is published in a limited number of paper copies. Its electronic version is available on the website of the Library of St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia. The texts are also available in Central and East European Online Library – free download (