The Boundary of Secret
Reading Jacques Derrida’s Répondre du secret (Seuil, 2024)
Yuji Nishiyama (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
8th June 2024, 14:00-16:00
Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“, Room 149
Organized by the Literary Theory Department at the Faculty
of Slavic Studies, Sofia University, and the Association for Deconstruction
Supported by Tokyo Metropolitan University
Yuji Nishiyama is Professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University. He works on modern French philosophy, focusing on Jacques Derrida and Maurice Blanchot, and is also a translator into Japanese. Among many other works, he is the author of Literature as Contestation: Solitude, Friendship and Community in Maurice Blanchot (2007) and To breathe through Words now: Humanities in the Age of Viruses (2021).